7 Day Meditation Challenge

Wednesday 6 - Tuesday 12 December 2023

I love love LOVE this meditation challenge. I feel so good, energised and connected, it’s a great way to enliven my practice. And the five minute knowledge sessions have been GOLD. Thank you for running this. I can’t wait for the next challenge!!”
— Meditator from previous challenge



The 7 Day Meditation Challenge only - $125

Join us for the 7 Day Meditation Challenge pay $125. This includes:

  • A morning session, with guided pranayama, meditation, lie down and knowledge each morning over the 7 days of the challenge

  • Txt message reminders each day, including the daily dose of Vedic Knowledge

  • An evening Group Meditation each day over 7 days


The 7 Day Meditation Challenge Bundle with extras
- $295 (save $80 total)

Select the extras bundle and receive the challenge for only $100 (save $25)


Receive a heavily discounted mentoring session for only $195 (save $55)


  • 1 hour Mentoring Session with either Lauren (you choose) to support you with applying Vedic Knowledge and insight to any area of your life or help with any questions or challenges you are working through (to be used by July 2024).

  • A morning session, with guided pranayama, meditation, lie down and knowledge each morning over 7 days of the challenge

  • Txt message reminders each day, including the daily dose of Vedic Knowledge

  • An evening Group Meditation each day over 7 days of the challenge