A Journey in India with Thom Knoles
8 - 18 January 2021
This annual event in India is a rare opportunity to be on retreat with my teacher Thom Knoles, a modern-day Maharishi of India’s age-old Vedic tradition. You will have an opportunity to take part in a rounding programme, eat delicious food, visit amazing sites and receive knowledge from a true Master.
Group Meditation in Grey Lynn, Auckland
Every Monday 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Group Meditation with Lauren Godfrey is on every Monday night in Grey Lynn and is open to those who have learned Vedic Meditation or Transcendental Meditation. It’s a great way to expand your meditation practice, dive deep with the group and set yourself up well for the week ahead.
Group Meditation in Devonport, Auckland
Mondays, 7.00pm - 8.00pm
Group Meditation is also available fortnightly on Mondays with another Vedic Meditation Teacher, Lauren Fitzgerald. You need to have already learned Vedic Meditation or Transcendental Meditation. Group Meditation is a great way to stay on track with your practice.
Group Meditation in Wellington
Wednesday 25 March 2020 6.30pm - 8.00pm
Wellingtonians who have learned Vedic Meditation or Transcendental Meditation are welcome to come along to the first Wellington Group Meditation of 2020. It’s a great way to expand your meditation practice, dive deep with the group and set yourself up well for the week ahead.
Great Barrier Island Meditation Retreat
Our retreat sold out in 2019! By popular demand we will be heading back to Great Barrier Island in 2020, stay tuned for dates!
A Journey in India with Thom Knoles
8 - 18 January 2021
Earlier this year on retreat with Thom Knoles, my teacher and the world’s authority on Vedic Meditation and wisdom, Thom awakened the truth about abundance and shared techniques for breaking the hypnosis of poverty consciousness, allowing for the unleashing of affluence and maximum potential in our lives. Check out the video here.
Next year, 8 - 18 January 2021, we will again head to the village of Rishikesh, nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, on the banks of the holy river Ganga (Ganges). Rishikesh has been home to great saints and Vedic masters for thousands of years. It is here that Thom was trained by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, at the ashram that we will have an opportunity to visit.
Ganga Kinare, which is located on the banks of the holy Ganga river, will be our modern “ashram” for the ten days of the retreat.
Each morning will begin with a group round (extended meditation programme), morning snan in the Ganga, followed by breakfast.
After breakfast, there will be an excursion or planned activity, followed by lunch and a knowledge session with Thom and special guests.
The afternoon continues with a group round, followed by dinner. The day concludes with an evening lecture with Thom and special guests.
There will also be an opportunity to follow a special high rounding program designed by Thom for those who would like to participate. Completing a rounding program is a prerequisite for Initiator Training.
Excursions will include: Vasistha’s Cave, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s Ashram, Kunjapuri Devi Temple and more!
Group Meditation
Group Meditations are a great way to connect in and solidifying your practice. Meditators report that their meditation experience is much deeper in the group. Group Meditation is open to Vedic Meditators and those who have learned Transcendental Meditation. Meditators on Lauren’s email list receive regular updates about upcoming Group Meditations both online and in different cities. Register below for more details.